Monday, September 7, 2009


On the first day of September morning, once I wake up to start my working day, I found that the back of my body was in pain. The first thing that came to my mind was I might hit by something on the day before. It was just a common thing for a clumsy girl like me.
During shower time, I noticed that there was a big swelling part at the back of my body near the left shoulder. I was shocked. The swelling is even larger than a 50cent coin. OMG!!! So worry... I'm worry that it would be a symptom for an internal sickness. Dare not to tell my parents about it as just don't want the elders to worry on me.
The following day, i visited a doctor nearby during the office hour. The doctor told me that this probably was an insect bite and at the same time I was given some medicine to apply. I was advised to re-visit him if i am not recovered within 2 weeks time. This doctor really relieve my worries alottttt.
But today, after 7 days..... I can only see a minor recovery and very very little improvement on the swelling part and the pain is still never-ending. So, I decided to visit to other doctor again. This is the doctor that I used to visit all the time. After due checking, Mr Doctor confirms to me tha the swelling part was actually 'epidermal cyst'. Ohhh.... what is that?? Really have to idea on it!! The doctor is so kind and patient to explain the situation to me. In layman term, we should say it as 'big pimples', i guess.....
The doctor set a time frame for me. He gave me some medicine for consumption and for apply. If after 7 days, the swelling part still not improved, he is going to arrange a minor surgically removal operation for me. He said the specialist is going make a very little cut on my swelling part and remove the inner poisonous stuff from it. Upon completion, they will stitch the cut. Seems sooooo scary!!!!!!! I feel like fainted!!
7 days..... wish I can recover fully in 7 days time...... I wish for a miracle...... *fingers cross*

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