Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pain! Pain! Pain!

First day of Hari Raya, it was my parents 34th aniversary. So, our family went for a dinner celebration at TGI Friday. It is a nice place with great environment for Western Food. Reached home late at 10.30pm night.... and the 'pain' from my back shoulder start. This time, pain killer doesn't work at all.
I tried to check 'it' thru the mirror. The swelling part turned big and red. The pain continues.... I planned to see doctor immediately but this is Hari Raya Day. Lots of clinic not opened. My appointment with Sentosa Medical Centre is on the coming Wednesday. I have no choice but opted to go on bed immediately. Sometimes.. sleeping is even better than medicine. But this time, it doesn't work and I couldn't sleep well. I felt the pain, I felt the heat.........
Second day of Hari Raya, I went to clinic in the early morning. Mr Doctor took a look on my back and said, "Ok, come into the surgery room to WASH it"..... Wash??? May be Mr Doctor intended to cold the swelling part. Fine, I followed the nurse in charged to go into the surgery room. I laid on my stomach and waited for the Doctor.
Here come Mr Doctor with a trolley of surgery tools. Huh?? Wonder why so many tools are needed for washing purpose. The doctor gave me a towel and asked me to hold it tight. He applied something cold in liquid form on my back and after that... i felt the pain on my back. Ahhhhhh..... he cut my back without my knowledge. It's PAINNNNNNNNNN.... 入心入肺...... which means I felt the pain until I can feel my heart beats faster than usual and breathlessssss.... The few minutes passed by as if it was few hours long. After everything is done, the doctor covered the cut on my back with bandage. After the minor surgery, I laid on the bed for a while before I can lift my body up again coz I'm seriously in pain.
Mr Doctor told me that the cut is very small and that's why no stitch is required. It will recover by itself. I was advised: 1, to re-visit him after 2 days to check my recovery status. 2, not to take any poisonous food in this period of recovery. 3, Not to expose the cut on my back into water... ermm?? How am I gonna bath then???
The good news is... I noticed that the swelling part is recovering and my back is back to shape again but the bad news is I observed that the cut is still quite deep and seems no recovery at all. Hopefully it is getting better as time goes by.
Well, the surgery was there all in a sudden without any preparation. Now I know this, 'The Doctor, The Liar' and I'll always remember this.

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